
All Closer2event accommodation maps comes with all features and functionalities including all Airbnb, Booking and 50 more OTA’s and official or recommended hotels, besides a partner dashboard, revenue share model and api access for a large and unlimited number of event maps and customer support ready to help you with best practices for you map. Yup, all of them.



cancel Airbnb and hotels inventory worlwide

cancel You Create your free map

cancel We Create your free map

cancel Revenue share program

cancel Login and Dashboard access

cancel Recommended and official apts. and hotels

cancel Custom colors and logo and look and feel


Free to Use 0.00€

cancel Airbnb and hotels inventory worlwide

cancel You Create your free map

cancel We Create your free map

cancel Revenue share program

cancel Login and Dashboard access

cancel Recommended and official apts. and hotels

cancel Custom colors and logo and look and feel